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We rolled out MWO Service Engr App to 83 Engrs last year and have suffered so many issues regarding Syncs Times and Init Times.


Every day when the Engrs go to use the tablets, they start a sync that always contains 100s and 100s of ‘messages’


How do I find out what these messages are so we can decide if they are all needed.


Our base data is fixed and doesn’t change, we do not create new sales parts, new serial objects etc. so there shouldn’t be any messages to receive overnight as nothing changes.


How can we work out what all the messages contain?




Do they re initialize their devices daily?

Or do they get those messages when they open the app each day?

You can check what messages are queued in back end by query Out messages for specific user. Next time before device open, check what messages are queued. Also check what type of sync tasks were created following night and their entities. This way you can check what data are queued for users each day. 

Hi @kathlk 


No they do not Initialize daily but the ‘Processing Messages’ for Sync does happen each day.


Looking at the Lobby it says: 451,786 Queued Out Messages!! Surely that isn’t correct is it?


How can I check the type of sync tasks that were created? where in IFS would I go to see that?


Thank you :)

Lobby shows total messages which are not yet downloaded by devices. Yes it’s quite high and could be because of lot of devices are offline for a longer period?. Data sync can happened based on data change triggers (For Push) and also Batch Shedule (Batch Data) based on sync rules schedules.

From EE go to the Sync Tasks screen and search for tasks which are created over night. Then you can find all the BG data sync tasks and best is filter for the device and user you have concern. Next is Grouped Push Messages as your app also use Grouped Push to sync data. So check the Grouped Push Messages screen for the last night. Could be some data change activities happening in either place. 

Thank you @kathlk will give that a go. The Users devices are struggling to sync currently which I guess it why there are so many pending. 


I am trying to work out why we have so many problems, I cannot image the rest of the IFS MWO Users in the world struggle like we do but we have a small user group of 83 engrs and have problems all the time with sync times.


Thanks again :) 

@kathlk Morning, I have been doing some more digging and I can see that against 1 Users DUMMY Device ID there is 135,944 message queued.


This Device ID against the Mobile User shows as ‘DEACTIVATED’ and it a DUMMY Device used to test an INIT early last year.


How do I clear the messages on a Dummy Device to get them out of the Queued Out Messages?




One option is to disable user and enable again. This will disable this installed device app and clear those out messages and other related data via the clean-up jobs. But only if this user has no other active device apps. May be worth check all other dummy devices and get rid of them because out queue can grow via Grouped Push messages if you have dummy devices.  

Hi @kathlk 


I have found 3 Users with Dummy Devices and lots of queued Out Messages.

 For example, this user has 2: Device ID 541 is showing Active but should be Deactive but I do not have an option to Deactive via an RMB. We are currently using Apps10 on Update 15



How can I get rid of this Dummy Device? Thanks for your help so far :-)


This is only recommended if the user connected with this dummy deice is a none production user. Because by disabling mobile user and re enable (From the top panel RMB and then disable and enable back the mobile user)  will disabled all installed app/devices under that user (Including dummy). This will allow clean-up jobs to get rid of those out messages.  

