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How would you suggest going about setting up a service contract line to have a minimum service charge?  For example, for a particular work type, the customer will be billed a minimum 4 hr labor charge and anything over that would be at a set hourly rate.

How would you suggest going about setting up a service contract line to have a minimum service charge?  For example, for a particular work type, the customer will be billed a minimum 4 hr labor charge and anything over that would be at a set hourly rate.

I’d setup a task template with the personnel planning line set to ‘Min Qty’ = 4. I did a quick test this morning and it seems that it just adds the min quantity on top of what is reported (which I personally think is a bug), so that leaves you with two options:

  1. Report a case to IFS and argue they should fix it
  2. Create a custom event to set all personnel cost lines to Not Invoiceable or Quantity To Invoice 0 if the sum of them is < the min qty.


Thanks @anmise 
