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Hi in a Customer project we struggle with material scourcing.   The example is where there is an central wharehouse somewhere within the same country and the service is to be done eslewhere. Therefore we need to have an freight forwarder to perform the transport.

In the current solution where you have an material demand in a work order one create an Maintenance Material Requistion, which may then create an Pick List.  There is an possible solution to create an transportation task. But the transportation task does not have the functionality of the Shipment, where we are able to assign the transport to an specific Freight forwarder and produce transportation documents.

We are in need of creating Shimpent out of the Planned material where we need to deterimne if the material shall be delivered to the address of the work order or an internal address ( and the service tech will bring the goods to customer) , When the shipment is performed the goods must be issued and included into the next Invoice Preview if invoiceable.


As our understanding this request is global for a lot of Service Management customers, and might already be in the pipline of coming releases. If the solution is ongoing, will it be possible to implement in into earlier App 10 release?

Looking  forward for an response

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