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I am trying to map a document that will inherit the value from the system in a client who are using IFS App-9 but their system does not have any data in macro basic window. but normally it should be there in the system. but as this is unavailable in the system, how can i get these basic data?

Possibly, when you say “normally” it is there, you have been using environments built on the “IFS Race” database before and now you are using an empty fresh installed database. That basic data that we have in IFS Race was always just demo data, not part of the official released data, so to speak. The short answer is that you need to try to get access to a database/environment based on IFS Race. Or add the data yourself, based on the documentation that we have, and perhaps with the help of this community.


@Mathias Dahl thanks, but can u suggest me how can i get those ?

@Mathias Dahl thanks, but can u suggest me how can i get those ?

Sorry, I don’t know how you would get access to a IFS Race database. But the documentation has some basic information about how to write macros. You should be able to create a simple macro using that, and then extend it. Of course, depending on your skill level when it comes to coding, or scripting in VBScript.



@Mathias Dahl , do you have any document for that i.e. writing macro for IFS documentations?

@Mathias Dahl , do you have any document for that i.e. writing macro for IFS documentations?

This link will not work directly for you (you need to change DOCSERVER below, at least), but it links to the official documentation on how macros work:


You can find it easily by searching for “macro” I think, in the documentation (not the technical documentation, the functional one, with all the processes).


thanks @Mathias Dahl