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Is it possible to put the year in the prefix of a document class in document management module?

 e.g.  Can i have the following prefix “SA-YYYY-” where YYYY represents the year and it will automatically update when the year changes ( i.e. in 2022 it will automatically know the year changed to 2022 and put 2022 in the prefix)



If possible how can it be done?

I’m sure this can be done via an event action or a scheduled migration job to update the Document Title with prefix derived from the “sysdate” / “created_Date”. I am unaware of any standard functionality to handle this.

Is it possible to put the year in the prefix of a document class in document management module?

 e.g.  Can i have the following prefix “SA-YYYY-” where YYYY represents the year and it will automatically update when the year changes ( i.e. in 2022 it will automatically know the year changed to 2022 and put 2022 in the prefix)



If possible how can it be done?

Do you really need it in the title? If not you could create a custom field where you concatenate the document class with the year from the created date. This way you’d be sure no one actually changed it (by mistake or deliberately) 




Is it possible to put the year in the prefix of a document class in document management module?

 e.g.  Can i have the following prefix “SA-YYYY-” where YYYY represents the year and it will automatically update when the year changes ( i.e. in 2022 it will automatically know the year changed to 2022 and put 2022 in the prefix)

So you basically want the document class to change as the years go by. I cannot think of a good way to do that, and it would also mean you would end up with a lot of document classes in the end. Why do you need the year in the document class? There are many other dates that will let you identify the document. Possibly you can tweak the system to add the year to the document number instead, either by manually creating new number counters each year or by customizing a certain API that will be called when the document number is to be generated.

Perhaps the suggestion from @anmise is enough?