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Hi ,

can anyone tell , how can we set the initial screen in mobile after the person login.

example : once  login we get the home menu , can i change it to any other screen .


App param:

i could see one option in app param where we can set the initial screen in mobile but it is limited to Home or joblist .


muthujayashree R

the parameter you described is the only option, as far as i know.

I believe you can set this to any mobile screen.  we used a custom screen and that app param for one customer.

Hi ,

can anyone tell , how can we set the initial screen in mobile after the person login.

example : once  login we get the home menu , can i change it to any other screen .


App param:

i could see one option in app param where we can set the initial screen in mobile but it is limited to Home or joblist .


muthujayashree R

Are you talking FSM or mWO here?


In mWO you have two options, Home or My Work. 
In FSM you have two specified options, Home or JobList. I believe you may be able to specify others, but I have never seen it used. The app param does say “for additional values, contact FSM Support.”

Which screen is it you’d want to be your start screen?

I am talking about FSM and just put whatever screen you want

thanks for the responses , 

i am taking about FSM mobile.

i provided the customized screen name in the app param but still able to see the home menu after login .

i  have initialized the device also .

can you please tell me what is the step that i am missing.


muthujayashree R

That should all you need to do.  Renitialized cache on server, and Reinit mobile.

thanks for the responses , 

i am taking about FSM mobile.

i provided the customized screen name in the app param but still able to see the home menu after login .

i  have initialized the device also .

can you please tell me what is the step that i am missing.


muthujayashree R

I just tried it and it works fine for me.

Refresh cache. Init Device.


Thanks @anmise  and @probenbeh ,

i have created a customized screen called Demo and the screen type is standard , i have given in the App param value as Demo , but still i am getting the home menu .

i have re-initialized the device and re-installed it .

can please let me know what is the reason why it is not getting displayed as initial screen .

screenshot of Demo screen and App params :



muthujayashree R

Thanks @anmise  and @probenbeh ,

i have created a customized screen called Demo and the screen type is standard , i have given in the App param value as Demo , but still i am getting the home menu .

i have re-initialized the device and re-installed it .

can please let me know what is the reason why it is not getting displayed as initial screen .

screenshot of Demo screen and App params :



muthujayashree R

I honestly don’t know if custom screens are supported since the parameter is global and the screen might only exist in a certain design revision. @Lee Pinchbeck , any ideas?

Hi @Muthujayashree,

I have not done this myself but it may be one of two things that occurs when custom screens and fields are used in FSM:

  1. The screen name entered is the user visible name but not the ‘true’ database name that the system would use to refer to it. In this case you have entered ‘Demo’ but in the scripting and the database does this show as ‘Demo’ or is it one of the existing, blank custom screens that has been amended to be ‘Demo’? If so, you would still need to use the original database name for the screen in the app param for it to find the screen correctly.
  2. The other thing is that the new screen would need to be added to a relevant code table so that the app param can see it in that code table list when it looks for it. I am not aware of such a table for this though so I would be leaning towards point 1 if it is either of these.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Thanks @anmise  and @Lee Pinchbeck 

Hi @Lee Pinchbeck ,

  1.  Through client script it works fine i.e in the tap event when i apply the script i am able to  navigates to demo screen 

       code: goToScreen("Demo");

       even i add a menu under home and provide the screen name , i am able to open “Demo” screen.


  1. can you tell me which is the code table that your referring to .


Muthujayashree R


Hi @Muthujayashree,

As I mentioned in the previous post, I am not aware of a code table for this, it is just something I have seen cause issues in the past in other areas.

If you cannot locate a table and you have ruled out point 1 this may need to be a case for further investigation as to why this is not working on your setup when this works following the same steps in other environments.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

Thanks @Lee Pinchbeck  for response .
