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An Aurena user wants to know if is possible to increase the number favorite to accommodate a new favorite a user intend to add after getting to max limit allowed?

Hi @meshfemi, can you please share some more details what you are trying to do here. Is this adding favourites in a list view? A screenshot and any error messages would help!

Have you ever determined if there is a way to increase the number of favorites allowed?



has this ever been solved?

@stephanie.bertolini @InnAlexaM 

The following community post explains the reason behind

There is no work around here than deleting the already created favorites

There is no page you can see/manage all favorites. Because favorites are defined for each page there is no common place users can see Favorites.

there are 2 ways user can delete / remove favorites.

  1. filter the relevant page with favorites (in search pane) and remove unwanted favorite records by clicking the heart icon of each.

  2. Can remove Profile entries by opening the user profile page in solution manager (need Admin access) → select the relevant profile → view details. In usere's profile page (tree page) open ‘user → ifsweb → FavoriteRecords’. Page will show all favorite entries created under each LU. Select the LU where the user is having trouble adding new profile entries and delete or edit the entry.


Hope this helps !

@ thanks everyone for your contribution. It super appreciated! 

@Buddhika Kurera please do you know the max number of favorites a 'Field Tech' would get to reach this maximum?



