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With a Report Rule I want to put the name of the Customer on the name of the PDF report Customer Order Confirmation.  So that instead of a random number, the CO Confirmation has the Customer’s name.

It worked for the Purchase Order, with the Suppliers name, but I don’t know how to get the name of the Customer.

This is what I have so far:



CO Confirmation - F&Cust_Ord_Customer_API.Get_Name('_@CUSTOMER_NO]')]

What do I need to change?



And also a second question,

For our own administration I want to mail Project Invoice to the Current User by using a Report Rule.

Only thing is, I can’t select ‘USER_EMAIL’ from the Xpath.

How can I select the right Email Address matching the Email Address of the Current User?


We are on APP10 Update 7.

Kind regards,




This is how we have solved it in IFS Apps 9 Update 13. I’m not sure about IFS Apps 10 but possibly it’s the same.


To get the Customer Name:



To get the current users email when USER_EMAIL is not available:



Best regards

Johan Lindström

Hi @JohanLindstrom 

Thank you for your reaction.

I have tested your suggestion, but it’s not working. See my results below.

This is the expression for the Subject:


And this the subject of the email, as you can see the Customer Name is not there:






Johan Lindström

Hi @JohanLindstrom 

Thank you! It did the job.

There is only one thing that is still not working. When the Customer has a dot or multiple dots in the Customer Name, the report rule for the PDF-file generated by IFS is not working.

To change the name successfully I need to remove all ‘.’ In the name of the customer, for example “Organisation b.v.” into “Organisation bv”

Do you know how I can replace/remove the ‘.’-characters from a customer’s name?


And also your suggestion for my second question isn't working. Do you have another suggestion?


Kind regards,
