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Please can anyone help explain an issue we are having with the Place Lookup on the IFS6 u6 customer portal…


  1. We 710 portal places per portal user, when you bring up the place lookup from the new request screen, the popup place lookup states that it is showing 699 places (and it is as I counted them), not the 710 that we have loaded (if I look in the metadata for that screen, there are indeed 710 places)
  2.  These 610 places are also sorted randomly, not in order.  if you only have a small amount of places then they are sorted.  I have had as little as 370 places in the list but these also did not sort.

Would greatly appreciate if anyone could assist with this.

Hi @MartinF,

From the sounds of it, it seems like the portal is hitting a max row limit or a timeout issue. Does the same limitation occur for the same field when accessing via the Smart or Web client?

You may want to also check the app params for row limit and max to make sure none of these have been set to 700 which may then be why the results are stopping.

Kind regards,

Lee Pinchbeck

@Lee Pinchbeck Tried it with less than 350 records, same thing. Cant see any app param that sets this.  This is on the Customer Portal Web Client. Smart client works ok
