Hi Shaun,
If you are using the PSO Resource Planner there are a couple of ways this could be achieved which spring to mind:
Kind Regards,
@tomgreenwood Thanks for your reply.
Would your proposal require an admin to manually enter the above each time or is there a way for it to work like Holiday in that when registered in absence it will automatically show them unavailable in PSO?
There are two aspect to TOIL; working additional hours to incur TOIL (TOIL+) and then when the employee wishes to consume that TOIL to have time off (TOIL- ).
So an engineer may in advance state that they are going to work an additional 4 hours on a specific day so registers that in IFS absence or time&attendance; we would like IFS and PSO to reflect the additional hours on that day so additional work can be assigned to them.
Then the opposite situation, so when the engineer decides to take time off work through TOIL this is registered in IFS and PSO reflects their unavailability for those specific hours.
Is the above scenario possible in Apps 8 or Apps 10?
Please let me know if you need further clarification to our requirements.
I would expect other FM companies to have flexible working arrangements in their business, so would be interested to know how they are managing this within IFS.
Hi Shaun,
Yes the approach I suggested requires the unavailability period to be manually entered in the resource planner within PSO. I’m not sure to be honest if this is covered by the integration from IFS Applications → PSO so hopefully somebody else can help with that.
Kind Regards,