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Hi Community, 

Why do the favorites in mWo disappear other than when a user initializes?

Many thanks for your contribution. 



Can you please provide more details like track (apps9, 10, or cloud) and version (MWO RTM or Aurena native) with a test case?



Thanks @skullk , this is MWO Apps 10 UPD9.  There is no Test case but I have included a screen shot of a use case. I hope this will be sufficient for you.  Thanks 


Are you on Apps10 MWO Aurena native or RTM version? 

And in the screenshot, Favorites are visible?

@skullk, is APPS 10 MWO Aurena Native. The favorite you saw on the screenshot was before it disappeared. 



Hi Community,

Any idea why favorites in MWO disappear other than when a user initializes?

Your contributions is greatly appreciated. 




These favourite items are stored in user profile when the user adds/removes them. There’s no normal reason for them to disappear even after an initialization as they are synced to the server. I have done a quick test and it worked as expected.

We hide the “recently used” items, however, if such item is also in Favorites, to minimize duplicates being shown.

Thanks and best regards,

@Binesh many thanks for your explanation. We may need to escalate the issue to IFS for investigation. 


@Binesh below is our findings 

Before Initialization: So here is what I had in my mWo. I had one Favorite, and one Recently used.


After Initialization. 

Then I initialized, the just the Favorite remained… recently used disappeared. 


Is it the normal behavour? 




I tested with the My Work → <pick any task> → Work Type field
Even after initialization, I was able to see both the favorite and recently used items that I’ve had before. So any disappearance is not the intended behavior.

Note that I chose to initialize from going to Sync Monitor → select Initialize from the top right hand side menu (3-dot icon).

