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Hi folks,

I need to grant access to several documents(>1500), is there an efficient way of emulating what can  done on a per document basis in Document Revision>Access tab. I already tried to add the users in a Person Group and then add the Group in the Access Template for all document types, but seems like it only works for new document, not existing ones.


Thanks in advance !


A similar topic recently discussed, and I think the answer to your issue will be the same, no retroactive addition through the UI.  Migration job or script.

Did you get a fix for this? We have a semi-manual solution in IFS2003! When an Access Template is changed to add an individual (for whatever reason) we added a custom Right Mouse Button to run:




hWndForm.frmDocumentAccessTemplate.DbPLSQLTransaction( hWndForm.frmDocumentAccessTemplate.c_hSql, "IFSAPP.DOCUMENT_ISSUE_ACCESS_API.UPDATE_FROM_TEMPLATE(:i_hWndFrame.frmDocumentAccessTemplate.cmbsDocClass.i_sMyValue)" )
