I have a pickup task where the status of the header is not matching with the status of the assignment, preventing me from completing the pickup task on MWO. After releasing the pickup task, accepting and starting it on the mobile, I got some errors when trying to close it on MWO. To figure out what was causing these errors I tried completing the pickup task in Aurena, and after correcting some missing data I was able to complete the pickup task in Aurena. However, now the status of the pickup task is ‘Picked Up’ , but the assignment status is still ‘Work Started’. When I try to complete (or incomplete) the pickup task on MWO I get a failed transaction with the error ‘ORA-20132: JtPickupTask.NOTHANDLED2: The operation "PickUp" is not allowed for Jt Pickup Task objects in state "Picked Up". ORA-06512: at "IFSAPP.ERROR_SYS", line 140’
How can I close the assignment on the pickup task? Now it keeps showing up on MWO after initializing. I tried to incomplete it from the Transferred Tasks screen but get the below error.