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Does anyone know if it is possible to create a notification (email, sms) to be sent at a later time?

I have a requirement to send notifications to contacts only when they are available, and if not, to wait until they are available.

Related to this, what DB table holds this message queuing information?


My solution would be to use one conversion list in the data migration functionality. It will hold the mail address to be notified (to be filled by an event).

A scheduled job will mail the notification at a moment that you can select.

Hope this is a bit clear.

Which IFS version by the way?


eqbstal - thx for the quick reply…

v5.7, but moving to 6.x in a week or so.

Regarding the solution you propose, I must admit I have much to learn about IFS -- could you expand a bit on the ‘data migration’ functionality?

More detail on this from my end - it is actually an IoT observation that will be triggering the need to notify the contact on the affected product -- I just don’t want to send unless the contact is ‘available’, and/or wait until they are available to send.

I was hoping there was a DB table somewhere where messages were dropped to be processed out by the SMTP engine; perhaps the message status could be paused to prevent sending and the message status changed at a desired time to invoke the send?


Sorry. Based upon the version number that you mention, I take it that you are talking about FSM. My answer is related to IFS Applications. A totally different suite of functionalities. Best to forget my response.

