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Hello IFS Community,

We have encountered an issue related to data losses during mWo App initialization, particularly when Work Orders contain attached pictures/Documents at the Task Step level. I have a couple of questions regarding this matter:

Question 1: Could data losses happen due to the ‘Initialization’ NOT ‘Force Initialize’? Is it possible for the initialization to result in data loss, assuming there are no Failed Transaction in the queue but there could be pending transactions to Sync?

Question 2: We have noticed that there are no warning messages or alerts when a user triggers the initialization or Force Initialize actions. This has led to some technicians mistakenly pressing these buttons. Are there any built-in solutions or settings within IFS that can activate warning messages or implement additional safeguards to prevent accidental initialization?

Your insights and expertise on these matters would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

BTW, we are using IFS MWO Service 10 (UPD 9).

Initialization should not be used frequently. This process removes all data from the local device and resets it to the known server state.

The difference between Initialize and Force Initialize is that Initialize will attempt to first send any pending transactions to the server before deleting the local DB. Force Initialize does not send any transactions to the server, it simply deletes the local DB and resets the device.

The FW is designed to handle the sending/receiving of data in the background. If the User is unsure if transactions have been sent then they should look at the Sync Monitor - this will trigger a manual sync just from opening the Sync Monitor page. The users should be trained to only use Initialize when promoted to do so.

I would also advise to upgrade to the latest UPD21 version on Apps 10. UPD9 is very old now and many improvements have been delivered in the 12 updates that have been delivered since.



Hello @James Ashmore,

Thank you for your response. Is it possible to incorporate warning messages or alerts when a user initiates the 'Initialization' or 'Force Initialize' actions? Alternatively, could we consider relocating the 'Initialize' option from the Sync Monitor to prevent accidental button presses?

Please add as an Idea for this to be considered in a future release



