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Hello All,

A customer in IFS Cloud 21R2 has an object connection transformation that connects the media and documents from equipment objects to the work task level as below:

They have setup this correctly as when they create a work order and add an object, if we go to the task, we can see the images and documents of the object in Aurena. This means the object connection transformation works fine.

However in the mobile, in My Work they do not see these attachments. This should be because in the mobile application we are dealing with JtExecutionInstance not JtTask.

I understand that this was a limitation in Apps 10. Is it still the same for IFS Cloud? Are there any workarounds for this?

Should we create object connection transformation for JtExecutionInstance as well?

Thanks and Best Regards,

Hi @Ibrahim Naazir

Unfortunately no difference in IFS Cloud too.

Currently images/Docs connected to objects are visible under task steps in mobile work order but not on task detail page.

The reason is our work details page is based on Jt Execution Instance entity. Since no object Id in Jt Execution Instance, it is not possible to set up Object connection Transformation between Equipment Object and Jt Exe Ins.

But our task step list page based on Jt Task LU hence object connected items are visible there. 

I understand this is not the best solution. Rnd team will continue to work on finding a better way to show object connected documents/pictures under task details.
