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In general it is possible to define different color codes for different person calendar exception types. My question is: is it possible to differentiate as well between calendar exceptions, which are marked as fixed (fixed_commitment) and which are not indicated "fixed"? As this would be a combination of two criteria (exception type + checkbox "fixed"), the second question is, if such a combination can be represented via color codes.


1.) Exception type "vacation" has color code blue

2.) Exception type "sick" has color code red

3.) Exception type "vacation" incl. checkbox "fixed" has color code yellow

4.) Exception type "sick" incl. checkbox "fixed" has color code green.


regards, Thomas Widmoser

Please supply us with which application you want this for: FSM or IFS Applications. Within the application for which screen do you want this (include path how to get there).


Application: FSM

The different color codes should be shown on the scheduling board, when viewing a calendar exception for a dedicated person.



