Generate_Wo_To_Mobile got below parameters. if you transfer from task 2nd and 3rd parameters can be null. So your input shouldn’t cause any problem.
PROCEDURE Generate_Wo_To_Mobile (
task_seq_ IN NUMBER,
exe_instance_seq_ IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
in_resource_seq_ IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
init_from_schedule_ IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE)
But the problem seems in ResouceActivity reference as per your 1st screen shot. We have below reference in the code
reference ResourceActivityRef(TaskSeq) to ResourceActivity(OriginKey1);
Can you check whether you can find a corresponding record in ResourceActivity view with Origin_Key1 = Task_seq ?
The error in the mobile user log is an identified bug in the application related to workflow configuration setup .
Error: Sending push entity data failed: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("IFSAPP"."MOBILE_SYNC_DATA_TAB"."REFERENCED_OBJKEY") - Null value not allowed. (ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("IFSAPP"."MOBILE_SYNC_DATA_TAB"."REFERENCED_OBJKEY")
ORA-06512: at line 1)
This has been already fixed with bug 159561 which is included in Update 13.
Below is a possible test plan to replicate the issue.
Test Plan:
1. Set up Workflow configuration of type Employee (Aurena).
2. In the Access tab, only specify the Site and Maint Org. Leave Employee blank.
3. Initialize the Service Eng App of an engineer who is associated with Site and Maint Org relevant to Step1.
4. Dispatch mobile work to Mobile engineer
5. Observe task does not arrive at device
6. Check the log and observe the error
Sending push entity data failed: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("IFSAPP"."MOBILE_SYNC_DATA_TAB"."REFERENCED_OBJKEY") - Null value not allowed. (ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("IFSAPP"."MOBILE_SYNC_DATA_TAB"."REFERENCED_OBJKEY")
ORA-06512: at line 1)
7. Deactivate the Workflow config and add the Employee ID of the engineer
8. Initialize the device and dispatch a new task, observer the task go to device without any error/
thank you for your quick replys!
@Bandula yes there is a corresponding record.
@Rangani Fernando I tried your solution but it ends up with the same error everytime.
After Step 8 it still doesn’t synchronize.
Have you checked with no workflow configurations applies with the work task?
Just to narrow down the error has no connections with workflow configs.
Hi @Rangani Fernando,
yes I did.
There is currently no workflow active.
Hi @SWINDE , I would suggest to report a LCS support issue to check this further.
As Bandula suggested, please report a LCS support case with environment details for further technical investigations.
Further I noted customer has reported a LCS support case to apply the mentioned bug. You can verify the issue once the bug is installed in your environments.