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I am using version 10.10.1336.0 of the Aurena NotifyMe App. I can log in but it won’t synchronise for me. The following is from the Touch Apps server log:


Failed to register Downlink Url 'https://epsifsta10.eps.local:444/' with '' running as 'IFSMOBILITY'

Unexpected error while calling server method UplinkServices/RegisterUplinkURL


This from the bug report written to the phone by the app

<Ifs.Cloud.Client.Exceptions.CloudException><Message>Unexpected error while calling server method UplinkServices/QueryApplicationParam  InnerException: User IFSMOBILITY has not been granted access to activity UplinkServices.</Message><StackTrace>


{"Exception":"<Ifs.Cloud.Client.Exceptions.CloudException><Message>Unexpected error while calling server method UplinkServices\/QueryApplicationParam  InnerException: User IFSMOBILITY has not been granted access to activity UplinkServices.<\/Message><StackTrace> 


The problem only occurs for some users, others are fine.

Any help would be appreciated. 



Can you please kindly check that you have the user ‘IFSMOBILITY’ in your issue existing environment and the user has the ‘FND_TOUCHAPPS_CONFIG’  permission set granted? 


/Subash Perera




Can you please kindly check that you have the user ‘IFSMOBILITY’ in your issue existing environment and the user has the ‘FND_TOUCHAPPS_CONFIG’  permission set granted? 


/Subash Perera


Thank you for this reply. I tried this but it made no difference. However with the permission set you mention not ticked the app did sync once for me but then when I tried a while later it did not (both times as the same user). It seems to sync sometimes and then does not later. It can’t be network contention because I tried the app while it was connected to test instance that nobody else is using  and the screen stays stuck in a loop of “Initializing”. The only time it does not have the problem is when I log in as a user who does not have any messages. Then the sync completes immediately (because there is nothing to sync). Maybe the sync is actually working when it is staying on that “Initializing” screen but it is trying to execute a query that is returning too many rows and it can’t complete in time? Is there a way I can find out what SQL is being executed by that sync process? Then I can execute it in SQL and see if it completes.


I have written a small troubleshooting guide, that will be available in Apps10 UPD11. Thought it could be good to post this here and see if that helps you a bit. If it doesn’t I suggest that you file a case to IFS so they can have a deeper look into it. 




When you do not get any notification to the device, you need to investigate the cause of the problem. Usually it is when you start to use it that you need to troubleshoot why the notification is not coming to the device. When you do get notification it is more seldom that you need to troubleshoot even if that could occur.


Check the following:

  • Background Jobs
  • Logs
  • Security Grants
  • Permission Set
  • Events
  • Basic Data


Background Jobs

If you are no longer receiving notifications to your device, where it was previously working, please check that the Background Jobs for IFS Notify Me is not stuck in POSTED state. If it is, you need to get it started again. This error could also occur when you set up the notification for the first time.



Check the Logs, so you do not have any Error message. If you do have an error message try to investigate if it is something you can deal with or not.


Security Grants

If you still do not receive any notifications, check that the Security Grants are granted to a Permission Set that is granted to the user. The Permission Sets Activities that needs to be granted depends on which notification you are running. See above under each notification type which Permission Sets Activities you need to grant. There are also some common Permission Sets Activities that always needs to be granted for all notifications, those are listed under Permissions.


Permission Set

As the Security Grants needs to be granted to a Permission Set, you need to assure that the Permission Set is granted to the user. Observe that depending on the structure of the Permission Set, it can be included in another Permission Set that is granted to the user. If the Permission Set is not granted, please grant it to the user.



If you still do not get any notifications to your device, you need to check that the Events are enabled for the notification. This is done in the Custom Events screen in Solution Manager.

The Custom Events needs to be enabled for the notification types you are using. See above under each notification type, which Events that needs to be enabled for the notification you are using.


Basic Data

If it is still so that you don't get any notification to the device, then you need to check that the basic data is correct and the setup of the different authorization rules for the notification type is correct. The best way to do that is to run the same flow in Aurena for the different areas. If the user can't do it in Aurena, then it must be an error in the setup of the users basic data or authorization rule. See End User documentation for each product area to ensure it is setup correctly.






This app is syncing now. The TAS Server was updated to the latest version and also UPD10 was applied to Enterprise Explorer. That seems to have resolved it but the Time Tracker app is not syncing now.


Error you have seen “User IFSMOBILITY has not been granted access to activity UplinkServices” in TAS logs does not have directly linked to the sync issue you was experiencing. That error means TAS has failed to register it’s Push Notification setup in the IFS database. This means you will not get push notification messages. However as per the error it looks like IFSMOBILITY user has been manually altered because of default system setup adds required grants (i.e. Activity ‘UplinkServices’).

Have you sorted all syncing issues now?


