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How do you go from a lobby element to an aurena page using Parm from the list element in the lobby?


This works with the hardcode param but I want it to go with the Mch_Code & Mch_Code_Contract on the line selected.


How do you go from a lobby element to an aurena page using Parm from the list element in the lobby?


This works with the hardcode param but I want it to go with the Mch_Code & Mch_Code_Contract on the line selected.



Try to replace the values with $$LOBBY COLUMN] using the value in Column in your element  e.g. $ÂTYPE]. 

assistant/CFlightInstructorHandling/CCSimulatorSessionLogAsst;$action=CCSimulatorSessionLogSetup{ParamMchCodeContract:$cLOBBY COLUMN],ParamMchCode:$dLOBBY COLUMN]}

With either the element Column or Data Source Column you receive a NULL in return:

Tried with: ParamMchCode:$:Device]  and ParamMchCode:$dMch_Code], below is what showed in the url:;$action=CCSimulatorSessionLogSetup%7BParamMchCodeContract:'CLT',ParamMchCode:null;path=0.285967710.667117285.139146786


I left Contract hard coded

thanks for the suggestion,


With either the element Column or Data Source Column you receive a NULL in return:

Tried with: ParamMchCode:$:Device]  and ParamMchCode:$dMch_Code], below is what showed in the url:;$action=CCSimulatorSessionLogSetup%7BParamMchCodeContract:'CLT',ParamMchCode:null;path=0.285967710.667117285.139146786


I left Contract hard coded

thanks for the suggestion,


Does the case match? Have you tried MCH_CODE / DEVICE?

I also tried it with the MchCodeContract, using both Column names and they also return a NULL




@jdrex ,

If you want to navigate to a Aurena page, then your url looks weird.

One way to find out, is to find a element from RnD and see how it is done. E.g. this one (upg10):


This is an assistant aurena page to enter data.  I would like to go to it using Param.  If it is hardcoded it works, but not when using the column ID.  Is there reference material that show Param syntax in the web access url?


