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Hi, in IFS Apps 10 (Update 6) when transferring a task to mobile from a Work Order, in the Transfer To Mobile window there are 2 checkboxes:

  • Pool Work Order
  • Pool - Keep Task

What does “Pool - Keep Task” do, and when would we use it? 

There is no help topic or other documentation I can find that explains what it does.

Transfer to Mobile window in Apps 10.




Please check whether below information helps.


When you select the work task and select RMB option Transfer to mobile,

  1. In the Signature field, enter the ID of the employee to whom the work task is to be assigned. Use the List of Values to select a valid value.
  2. If an assignee cannot be set for the work task at this stage, select the Pool or Pool-Keep check box to transfer the work order/work task to a common pool of work orders.

Pool Task
Work can be transferred to a particular mobile user or to a common pool of work tasks . When a work task is transferred to the pool, it will be synchronized with the mobile users that have access to the task site.
Work tasks that are set to On Hold cannot be transferred to mobile.

If Work Task is planned but no active Work Assignments exist, it is possible to transfer it to pool. There are two options supported:

  • If task is transfer as Pool, the user who first accepts the Task from the pool will be considered the owner of the work, Work Assignment will be created for the user and the Task will be removed from all other mobile users.
  • If task is transferred as Pool-Keep then it can be accepted by multiple users; Work Assignments will be created for all accepting users and the task is only removed from mobile when a user chooses to do so while completing work assignment created from pool-keep task.

Note: If the site is scheduled by the Planning and Scheduling Optimization, it will not be possible to transfer tasks in this site to the common pool of work tasks.

The Transferred Tasks/Work Assignments window allows review of all Work Assignments transferred to mobile users as well as Tasks that has been transferred to pool. It is possible to cancel selected Tasks and Work Assignments directly in the screen.

Best Regards,


Thanks Thilini, that is very helpful. Our IFS documentation doesn’t seem to have this info (Apps 10 Update 6) - is this info available anywhere online that I can also forward to our planning team for future reference?

Glad to be of help Garak 🙂 Most of this information was available in an internal document.

But some information is available in in

