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I’m struggling with getting the Resource Analysis screen to behave.  This is the analysis of my person group.  The capacity starts today, which is the day I’ve run the Refresh Snapshot.

(See attachment named Resource Analysis for a Person Group Resource.png.


If I look at the Resource Analysis for the individual who is assigned to the Project Manager person group, I get the expected result.

(See attachment named Resource Analysis for a Person Resource.png)


I have the Resource Analysis Demand Snapshot set to a -30 day start offset and the Resource Schedules and Capacity set to a -100 day start offset.  Automatic Calculation is ON.

Might anyone have a clue as to why the snapshot for the person group is different than the snapshot for a person?

Hi Patrick,


On the resource group and on the resource there is a possibility to define a resource capacity for a period of time. It could be that the capacity of the person in relation to the group is not valid.

For example this resource is connected to resource group, but based on the validity period before 22-05-2024 there is no capacity to the group. 

Then the result is the same as your issue.

Resource analysis of the person:

Resource analysis of group:


Hi Patrick,

If the resource group is using the Capacity Calculation Base as Individual then the capacity of the individual resource is rolled up to the group based on the individual resource's settings under the Capacity Basis tab. This has a validity period for when the resource's capacity should be included in the parent and, for person resources, at what percentage.

Therefore if this date is pushed back and a Schedule and Capacity Calculation is run it should reflect in the graph when looking at the group’s rolled up capacity.

Hope this helps.

Thanks and regards


THank you @Hugh Batho  snf @EqeDenniD 

Here is my Resource Details screenshot:  I’m set to individuatls and even though I’m not using Group.  You can see my valid from date is 1/1/2024 plus the help on this page says that these values are ignored unless the basis is set to Group.


Capacity Bases tab of Resourec Group names Project Manager

I’ve look at the Persons tab and don’t see a place to insert a date.  Here is my screenshot:

Screenshot of Resource Details/Persons tab.

Might you have other ideas as to where to look?



Based on the picture the level we are looking to is the group level. number 1 in the picture. Since you have connected a person his capacity will be defined on a lower level. That is number 2 in the picture


On the lower level (person) we can define the capacity basis based on a period of time

I am curious about the capacity basis on the person level to see how the data has been set up there. perhaps the cause can be found on that level.

Found it!

Thank you very much!
