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Hi All, We are currently facing an issue of reported hours value mismatch between Activity > Hours tab and registered Activity Hours tab as below.



Project Connection Hours (2023.75) < Project Transaction Hours (2028.75)

Would you kindly share your kind thoughts and advise what could possibly has gone wrong to cause such a scenario and how to find exact Transaction records which has not created a connection? Thank you all.

Has someone registered hours but the transaction hasn’t been transferred through to the GL?  Check Project Transactions screen for any transaction not Approved/Updated?  Are there any corrected hours not transferred?


Your highlighted activity ends 31/5/24 but your Transactions screen only goes up to 31/3/24 - are there some credit bookings between 1.4.24 and 31.5.24?



Hello @PRODQ Thanks for your kind feedback and actually the transactions have been through to the GL and reflecting the correct values. Also, sure i shall verify if there are any Corrected Hours which are not yet transferred, and any transactions not Approved/Updated.

Apologies for the confusion, there are no credit bookings until 31-5-24 as well.

