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does any see this error before? 

this part in inventory is a purchase part (also in engineering), but we have it set to Make in project delivery. 

in project delivery, we have the BOM created for this part. 

when we are trying to create the project supply request for this part, we are expecting a shop order will be created, but we encountered this error message, see attached.

Wondering what’s wrong with it? 

Thank you. 

Hi Ron,

I think what it needs is a Manufacturing structure to be able to create a SO (did not test)

You are not allowed to create one if its purchased(Raw). Purchased(Raw) is for raw materials basically

So solution could be

  • Set part to Purchased instead of Raw
    This does not change the behavior in MRP or anything as long as there is no buildable purchase structure with components
  • Create a manufacturing structure (no need for component parts or setting it buildable) 

Now you can create a SO from Project delivery using the structure defined there 


Would that help?

Regards Erik


@EriLNL Though we could do in this way - change the part type directly in Inventory, wondering what is the best practice to handle this kind of scenario. 

in standard inventory now, this part is treated as a manufactured part, and no BOM and Routing at all, just a header info.

Thank you.


@EriLNL Thank you ErilNL.


I tried changing the inventory part type to Purchased, then in inventory part, there is a structure created, it is a puchase structure. then in Project Product window, I refresh all details, and try to create project supply, no luck, same issue.

then i changed the inventory part type to Manufactured, then it works.

Thank you.

Hi Ron,

The Shop Order does look at the inventory part, if you change it to Purchased instead of Purchased(Raw) then it probably works fine

Regards Erik

@EriLNL Thank you for reply.

currently in inventory, it is a Purchased Raw. 

but project delivery, if we do it in project, not standard, system should not refer to the standard inventory part type, correct?

I do not think so,

do you have a Manufacturing structure (header) in Manufacturing standards for that part?
Or only a Purchase structure (header)
Or is this a Purchased Raw Inventory part?
