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I have a project connected work order.  If I have a task of duration =1 and a cost for the MTCE Ord = 60.  Should I see a planned cost of $60 showing on the project activity?

Thank you.

Hello, I don't see any reason for not showing respective planned costs on the project activity. I have given a try and project activity gets the respective planned cost updates.


Thank you.  When I have materials or resources assigned to the task, I do see that respective costs on the project.  My question is specific to the duration field on the task and whether I should be seeing that, combined with the MTCE Org’s rate as a planned cost on the Work Order or Project.  
If I’m on the wrong track, how does the upfront planned cost for a WO show up BEFORE a resource is assigned?
When planning the WO from the project, many times I only know how many hours I’m asking for and then it is up to the Services team at some later time to plan the work order and that would entail assigning resources.

