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Hi Team,

We have below requirement:

We have implemented budget control in IFS only on certain ‘controlled’ WBS (activities), there are other activities which have a budget and are not controlled or have no budget at all.

As well as having this control on an individual activity level the system is also applying it at a project level, so if the spend against all activities is greater than the total budget against all activities it stops purchasing. 

We do not want this.  We only want it applied at the specific activity level.

There is an option for ‘Control on total budget’ but this relates to what ‘cost elements’ are included in the calculation.  We only have two cost elements (COST and REVENUE) so this doesn’t really do anything.

Can we look into whether it’s possible to turn this control on the total budget off somehow?

So essentially we use the below toggle to turn budget control on for projects and apply it for any activity that has an entry in the ‘Project Budget Control Rules List’

What we want is to only apply it to those activities and not have a check at the total project level which seems to be an automatic setting that we have no options for.


Best Regards,


Hi Rakesh,

You need to enable Control As Budgeted option to put Project Budget Control on Activity level wise.



Please enable Control As Budgeted option and then check.



Abdul Rehman

Hi ​@Abdul 


Thank you so much for the quick response.

Let me try and get back to you.

Thanks again 🙂


Best Regards,


Hi ​@Abdul ,


Tried with the recommended solution but it did not work as expected. Have found below observation:

‘Control As Budgeted’ controls every single activity line against the active budget, so it does not use the ‘Project Budget Control Rules List’, it applies budget control to every single activity.

What we need is the functionality like with Budget Control On where it only controls against the activities where we have defined a rule, but not have a check at the total project level (i.e.. total of budgets against all activities regardless of control rule or not compared to total consumption against all activities).  This check at the total level is not something we’ve defined but just seems to be standard functionality in IFS.

Humbly request you to please let me know If I am missing anything in setup.

Thanks in advance :)

Best Regards,


What we need is the functionality like with Budget Control On where it only controls against the activities where we have defined a rule, but not have a check at the total project level (i.e.. total of budgets against all activities regardless of control rule or not compared to total consumption against all activities).  This check at the total level is not something we’ve defined but just seems to be standard functionality in IFS.

@Rakesh It is possible to define Budget Control rules in Project Management > Budgeting and Forecasting > Project Budget Control Rules List

For example, lets say you defined a rule for activity A, cost element CE1. Then The system validates the rule when a transaction triggers CE1 cost element of Activity A. If it is anything else, then no validation. Of course there should be a budget amount in the active budget for the cost element CE1 in activity A.

To see if it works fine (troubleshooting), you can track these values in Project Management > Budgeting and Forecasting Analysis > Project Budget Control Summary

Only valid when Control As Budgeted is not used. When Control As Budgeted is used, the control is imposed on the activity level for cost element therefore above rules are not required.

Hi ​@Buddhika Kurera ,

Thank you for the response.

We have defined Control rules against required Activities in “Project Budget Control Rules List” window.

But our requirement is we need a functionality that only controls against the activities where we have defined a rule, but not have a check at the total project level (i.e. total of budgets against all activities regardless of control rule or not compared to total consumption against all activities). 

Humbly request you to please help me on this.

Thank you so much in advance.

Best Regards,


@Rakesh How this functionality work is described at 


@Rakesh for your reference

This topic is created to illustrate who Project Budget Control functionality works.

  1. In order to enable the budget control, there should be an active budget for the project.
  2. As an example, following is the budget for a project that has 4 activities. We are planning to control the procurement on Activity A (BC1127.P.A). The budgeted amount is 1,000.00


  1. Enable the Budget Control for the project

Budgeting and Forecasting section indicates that the Budget Control is on.

Note that the Control As Budgeted and Control On Total Budget is not set. Only the Budget Control On is set to Yes.

  1. Set up the Project Budget Control Rule List entry as follow.


  1. Add a Msc Demand to the Activity A which exceed the budget.
  1. Try Creating the Project Supply Request and notice the validation.
  1. However if you try to enter the same demand for the Activity B, it is possible to create the supply request even though the amount exceeds the budget amount for activity B which is 2,000.00.

Hi ​@Buddhika Kurera,

We have done the exact setup and its working the same way as you have mentioned.

But the issue is the system is also applying control check at total Project Level (total of budgets against all activities regardless of control rule or not, compared to total consumption against all activities).

What we want is to only apply it to those activities set up in ‘Project Budget Control Rules List’ and not have a check at the total project level which seems to be an automatic setting that we have no options for.

Humbly request you to please help me on this.

Thank you so much in advance 😊

Please refer the below screenshot of the error message & settings done on Project Level.


Best Regards,


@Rakesh Yes this is the standard behavior. The system wont allow you to exceed the total project budget.

In summary, if the activity and the CE is controlled, the amount should be below the budgeted amount. If there is no rule for an activity then any amount is allowed but it is not possible to exceed the total budget.

It makes sense when you do Budget Control for the project, isnt it?

It is possible to use an event (Configuration) to get your requirement fulfilled without using the standard budget control. An event to validate if the rule is satisfied before raising the Supply Request for the Misc Demand. If there is no rule, no check takes place.

Hi ​@Buddhika Kurera 


Thank you so much for the detailed explanation :)


Best Regards,


Hi ​@Buddhika Kurera,


So, can we do budget control on activities (activities set up in ‘Project Budget Control Rules List’) along with a CRIM to get past the total project budget check?


Best Regards,

