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What is the reason that a tag can only be assigned to a deliverable when it’s completed? We engineer our parts and the tag (for us KKS coding ) is known already in engineering phase.

No need to buy before we know the tag.

We are migrating from IFS 10 to IFS Cloud and shifting to Project Deliverables is mandatory .. but encountering some strange changes here.


Anyone ? 

Hi Filiep, 

In the IFS Cloud Applications, usually you can create the Tags at the initial step where you define the project deliverable definition.I would like to know  How are you planning to use the tags and at which instance that you are trying to add a tag. 

Dinudu Kanakamge
IFS Unified Support. 


Similar issue with a different customer… They first have the tag and go out for procurement. In Project Deliverables it is only possible to add a tag to an item when it is approved/completed. Typically tags are there earlier in the engineering process.

Removing the business logic for item status on tags would support any business.

Hi Dinidu,


thanks for replying. 

You can indeed define the tags in the project deliverables definition, but you can only “assign” the tag to the item when you completed it.  This was not the case in IFS10 I believe.


That is my issue, and that is why i would like to understand what is the approach from IFS in this to have it like this.




Hi Filiep & MR10,

Thank you for the feedback.

It is the current standard application design that tags can be connected only when the item state is completed. The design intention is to make sure the structure item is completed before copying the to equipment. Hence, this is not considered as any fault in the IFS Applications.

However, if you believe there is a positive impact upon changing this current behavior, I suggest that it’s better to post your suggestion as a novel idea on this IFS community. You can emphasize the business requirement, and the expected behavior.

Hopefully IFS R&D will consider this in their future developments.



i’m only a customer 🙂 i guess MR10 has the phonenumber of R&D to explain?  But i don’t find this something to be defended as a good change .. it’s something that never should have been coded like this.  I’m quite sure as MR10 has it from other customers, that more customers will not understand the purpose of this.

But anyhow .. only completed to be possible to copy to equipment is not the issue .. i can agree with that. It’s assigning the TAG before it’s completed .. 

I think in IFS Cloud you can complete, and copy to structure without tag .. so there is in this flow no reason to block the tag connection at all.

HI Filiep,

As a customer your ideas/suggestions are warmly welcome and well appreciated. 
You can post this idea here: 

Share Your Ideas | IFS Community

And IFS R&D will hopefully consider this in their future developments.

