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Hi guys, 


Is there a way our site can render a previously used work center obsolete?


I don’t believe it can be deleted, since now closed works orders were actioned at said resource, so deleting it leaves an incomplete historical record.

I need a way to raise an error message (if not purely prevent) us from assigning work to that loading cell.


Does IFS have this functionality i.e. equivalent to turning a work center off-line or inactive? if so, what window is this?



Many thanks,


Change the status to Inactive on the header of the Work Center.  This can only be done after it is removed from all open shop orders and all active routings.

Hi Shawn,


I've completed both of the pre-requisites. There are no open works orders routed to the work centre in question, and the part catalogue has been cleansed with no active/buildable Inventory Parts routed there.


How do I render the work centre inactive, exactly? When I select the field, I'm not provided with a means to zoom of (a button on the right). When I right click, I do, however, receive options to 'Block' or 'Hide'. Is this what is meant here?


Many thanks,


Maybe a version difference here, but V9 UD13, on the Work Center itself, there is a field called Status


Work Center Status

From Help:


The status of the work center. Possible values are:
 Planned - A planned work center is used by resource planning.
 Active - An active work center is used by manufacturing.
 Inactive - A work center cannot be set to inactive if it is being used in active objects i.e., open shop orders, active routings, etc.
Note that the capacity of an active work center must be measured in hours, whereas the capacity of a planned work center can be measured in any unit of measure.

ahh, okay. Apps 10 is our version of IFS.


That field appears in the location you said (Work Center - Header) but that box is grayed out. Much like how some information fields simply cannot be edited in the window a user’s in (i.e planner code in ‘Shop Order’).


That sounds like a permissions issue, I’ve checked as me and then logged in as a general user, the field isn’t grayed out for either.  It isn’t an inherited field like Planner is on Shop Order, so it isn’t handled the same.  Permissions would be the only reason I can think of that would prevent you from changing it.  I can change the status to Inactive on any Work Center, though most won’t save due to not meeting the pre-req’s as per help.


