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What’s the meaning of the following fields in Labor and Opeararion History window?:

  • Has Transferred Postings
  • Wild Build UP


According with the actual configuration this type of data creates an error in the Accounting windows.

I can see the errors in Distribution and Manufacturing Postings Analysis window with the status code = 99.

I only have erros when the WIP Build Up field is greater than 0.





In Labor and Operation History Window:

  • WIP Build up represents the cost accumulated on that operation so far due to Work in Progress (WIP). When the user reports and closes the operation, the total cost accumulated should equal the WIP Build Up.
  • Has Transferred Postings column indicates that the operation line costs have been transferred to a Customer Order. The Customer Order may already be invoiced or waiting to be invoiced. If the cost has not been transferred yet, the column will be unchecked

I am unsure why non-zero WIP Build Up values are creating an error. After trial in a presales env, it seems to be working alright. Hoping someone else has further suggestions!

My hunch - the errors may be created in accounting window because these transactions have already been posted for Invoice

According with the definition of the “Has Transferred Postings” field it seems that the SO is created from a CO, but in this case is not. The SO is created and released manually.

But my doubt is that if the “WIP Build Up” field is greater than zero the “Has Transferred Postings” field  is checked and if not, it is not. Why?
