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Hello, I got a problem with unreleased activity.

The MRP runs and generates Shop Order Requisitions (SOR) and Purchase Order Requisitions (POR).

The problem is that the MRP creates an MRP Planned Demand needs. This needs are related to Shop Order Requisitions in Status “Proposal Created” not accepted by the planning team.



I got two Finish manufactured products A and B with planning method A (MRP):


Product A = (composed by one unit of B and other of C)

Porduct D = (composed by one unit of E and other of F)

So, the planing steps are:

  1. Execut MRP.
  2. Check Shop Order Requisitions (SOR) and there is proposals to Release 2 unit of product A and 3 units of product D for the same date.
  3. You decide that you will not accept the SOR for product A and ignore it. And Accept SOR of product B.
  4. You run MRP again. (Because I know if I change the demand of higher planning levels the  demand of levels below will not automatically change. The proposals are fixed)
  5. Then you go to your Purchase Requisition lines and notice that MRP suggests to release this 4 requisitions:
  • 2 X B as MRP Planned Demand
  • 2 x C as MRP Planned Demand
  • 3 X E as Shop Order Material
  • 3 X F as Shop Order Material

So, MRP still suggests to order materials with MRP Planned Demand for a Part  wich I planning team don't want to produce.


Is there any way to ignore this MRP Planned Demand requisitions? :smile:

Thank you!

Hi @Castro12,
I have moved this to Products (Manufacturing etc.) forum since it seems to relate to that. Please dispatch product related questions to appropriate forums in the 1st instance, so you will get responses sooner from the ones subscribed to it :)
Thanks & Best Regards,


Assuming that the 3rd step needs to be corrected as product D (instead of 😎, I will provide you the following clarification.


If you have a demand for a qty of 2 for part A, when you run MRP for the first time SOR will be created for part A and PR’s will be created for parts B & C.


As long as the demand for part A exist, the result will be the same whenever you run MRP. This is because every time MRP is run, the unprocessed proposals will be deleted and new proposals will be created instead based on the demand.

Therefore, if you want to get rid of the MRP Planned Demand for part B & C, the solution I can think of now is to cancel the demand for part A.


Hope this helps.


Hello @Pabasara Kalahe 


You´re right, I meant produtct D instead of B. Thank you!

Through your response I noticed that you fully understood my companie’s problem.  


The problem now is, If I cancel the demand for the product A, in the next days the MRP will not propose shop Order Requisitions. 


If it’s not possible to run MRP only for accepted SOR or order Materials for all demand <> MRP Planned Demand I think that the solution is to accept all the SOR proposed by the MRP... For those SOR not accepted we should review all the planning parametres (and Demand) wich trigger that unwanted SOR.


I Look forward for your coments, thank you very much.











The purpose of performing MRP is simply to make the lives of planners easier. The purpose of MRP is to calculate the demand for parts in a phased manner based on information such as shop orders, customer orders, and part structures, to ensure that the demand is met. MRP results in order proposals for the parts that need to be manufactured and purchased.  MRP also generates suggestions for re-planning existing shop orders and purchase orders.

Therefore, I doubt the purpose of running MRP only for accepted SOR or order Materials for all demand <> MRP Planned Demand.

For those proposals that you don’t want to process, you can either ignore or review the demand of them. 

Further, you can perform MRP selectively for a particular part, part type, planner, product family, product code, etc. to prevent MRP being run for parts you don’t desire.


Best regards,



There is a workaround for you to keep the demands but stop planning supplies by MRP. In the inventory part/Manufacturing tab, Unselect MRP Control for the part A and then run MRP for the site, MRP will not plan supplies for A as well and for its components. Hope this is useful.



Hi @Castro12 ,


How about using the Planning Method “M” for your Product A ? This method will create SORs for parent (A) but will not propagate the dependent demand to components (B,C).


Now, let’s say you have an independent demand for Product A, something like a Material Requisition. 
When you run the MRP, system will create a SOR for A.


However, since you have setup the Planning Method as “M” for parent(A) there will not be a MRP Planned Demand for your components (B,C), thus no supplies created for those.

no MRP Planned Demand so no PRs

After a while your planners will convert the SOR of A to a Shop Order.


Then run the MRP. 

As a result, system will now propagate the demand to components and supplies are created.

