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Tagging of Equipment

  • 16 November 2023
  • 0 replies

Hi All,


We are looking to see if a specific functionality exists in IFS.  We currently have the ability to have specific tagging instructions write from an outside program when order for multiple qty's of a single line item.  


Example -   I have a qty of 10 as a line item on a customer order.  Each of those items have specific tagging instructions - item 1 of 10 on the order goes to Building A ,  item 2 of 10 does to Building B, and so on and so forth.  


Other than the serial part notes field, is there a place where this type of information natively goes in IFS without modification.  The goal is to print a label and apply it to each item, per the customers tagging instructions.  This is separate from our serial number.  Does this exist currently in IFS?

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