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Has anyone worked out a way to report on concurrent clockings.



Employee A

Shop Order 123    Started:  07/04/2021  10:00  Finished:  07/04/2021  16:00

Shop Order 124    Started   07/04/2021   10:00  Finished:  07/04/2021 16:00

Shop Order 125    Started   07/04/2021    10:15  Finished:  07/04/2021  12:15


Report would currently show  (6 + 6 + 2) = 14 hours

Whereas, we would want it to show 6 hours as he has only taken  6 hours (10:00 - 16:00)


Any ideas on how I could achieve this.





I believe you would need to merge the shop orders first.  I’m not sure how you manage the time reported to each after the fact, the shop order only understands the duration assigned to it, not that there are other shop orders being applied at the same time.  Assuming the part numbers being manufactured are the same and there is leverage here in building the item in multiples though the shop orders are disparate, I think you would use this function at the start, then report the time singularly so it is distributed across the items.  I think your current method must create problems with costing as well as planning and reporting.  Managing pre-emptively is probably the best solution here.

(I highlighted three shop orders for the same part from the Shop Orders overview, then RMB to get this function)


No need to split the order, this is supported and handled automatically by the system. I hope the explanation of below terms will clarify things.

  • Labor Time - This is the duration of the labor activity. in above given example the total would be 6 + 6 + 2. It is important to save also the duration so you can see how long time the employee actually have worked on each operation
  • Crew Size - This indicates how big “share” the employee has spent on each operation. I.e. if the employee works on two operations in parallel, the crew size for each operation would be calculated to 0.5 for each operation (or even 0.6 and 0.4 etc. depending on the planned crew size of the operation). The total crew size for the employee at any given time would always equal 1.
  • Man Hours - This is the value I think you’re actually looking for. It is the Labor time x Crew Size. This would equal 6 hours in your scenario. And this is what the cost booked to each operation is based on.

These values can be found for each operation in Shop Floor Workbench/Reports tab and Shop Floor Reports window.

If you edit the clocking interval for an operation, or cancel a clocking, the logic automatically recalculates all other affected clocking records.

Basically,  this isn’t for costing purposes this is more for labour efficiency.


Well, if you’re using the values for the Man Hours rather than Labor time you should have the result you expect. Can you confirm @johnw66 ?

I have used crew_size * labor_time to get man_hours.






Are you reporting using the Shop Floor Workbench?  You can select more than one SO at a time to report against and then when you review in Shop Floor Clockings, you should see the time is automatically split.


As per my understanding it is required to run all these Shop Orders parallely. If that is the case, it could be set up initially in the part set up. 

In Routings > Operation Line > “Parallel Operation” column > Select “Parallel. In that case the operations will be considered as parallel operations. 


Also, in Site set up;

Site > Manufacturing tab > “Shop Floor Settings” > “Concurrent Operations” : can be selected depending on the preference from the drop down list.