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Hi everybody!

I have some documents to send to users and  want to send them from IFS(via email). The problem is   I want to schedule when I can send. For example: every month,every hour exc.. I looked over Document Distirubtion but the trigger is only when document release.

I dont want to use backround jobs or event action because these are not depent on an event. I want to use as a reminder.


Is there another way? I use IFS 9


Thank you

Hi @Amy 

If the selection criteria is straightforward, you can do this with a pretty simple migration job based on the command_sys.mail method.

If it is more complicated e.g. a group of attached documents, then you may need a script (deployed within a custom API) and then a Task Schedule based on a database task. The database task is a reference to the script.


But I want to send a document from Document Revision. My documents are in the document revision. Can I still use migration job? If so, how?

Hi @Amy 

If the selection criteria is straightforward, you can do this with a pretty simple migration job based on the command_sys.mail method.

If it is more complicated e.g. a group of attached documents, then you may need a script (deployed within a custom API) and then a Task Schedule based on a database task. The database task is a reference to the script.


But I want to send a document from Document Revision. My documents are in the document revision. Can I still use migration job? If so, how?
