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Hi folks,

I’ve found .ppts for Apps10 S&OP (which has a ton of features I covet, but we’re not in a place right now to upgrade), but I’ve not found any eLearning for the screen in Apps9.  I can obviously read the help screens, but they’re failry bare bones. 


What am I missing? I’m missing the step-by-step data reqs for S&OP as they pertain to IFS. I realize we need the demand plan (we use demand forecaster client) but I’m unclear of all the screens of necessary data to use the inborn dashboard.

In Apps9 we just have one query screen for S&OP, and to be able to use it you have to use Master Scheduling Level 0 Parts (= Product Families). But I mean, if you compare Apps9 with what we have in Apps10...eeeh well you cannot compare. In Apps10 we have the entire S&OP process in place where you can play around with both demand- and supply scenarios. In Apps10 S&OP really help you with early identification of imbalances in supply and demand at product family level. And we have added much more functionality to RRP, and integrated it with S&OP so you can identify overloaded key resources.


What should you do now? I think you will just get disappointed if you try using Apps9 S&OP, since you read about all the features in Apps10 S&OP… So perhaps think about how your company should work with S&OP once you upgrade. Do you have a clear picture about your product families? If yes, then you can always start to create them in MS Level 0, they will become your product families once you upgrade to Apps10. And I mean even in Apps9 you can aggregate your MS Level 1 Parts to MS Level 0 Parts if you define the Planning Structure (there is a screen for that). Do you have a picture of how you will collaborate over different functional areas in your company in order to make your S&OP journey successful?



I have attached some internal notes that are for IFS Apps 9 that might help.



Thanks y’all.  The delta between Apps9 and Apps10 as it relates to S&OP is huge, Majose.  Currently we’re using the demand client and i’m in the process of defining our product families in a more logical (or at least agreeable) state.  

In terms of a crawl/walk/run, I think that Apps9 will be sufficient for at least comparing sets for a gut check.  Given that we implemented Apps9 a year ago, Apps10 will be a ways off i reckon. I appreciate everyone’s willingness to help!
