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We originally set up multiple Change Order Templates, but have decided to reduce the number of templates that we would like our Engineering team to be able to select from.  Is it possible to remove previous templates from the LOV in the “Copy From” field?  If so, can I have some guidance on how to perform these steps.  Thank you for your support



I don’t know the answer for those objects but a countermeasure I’ve used for Lis Of Value dialogs is to define an exclusion/inclusion search, save it, then modify the Base Profile to include it as the default action for the dialog box.

Here is where the dialog Properties are modified.

list of values Dialog > Properties

Then an example of the Dialog Startup Behavior

Object Properties / Dialog Startup behavior

This assumes you have assigned a Base Profile to the IFS User logons. Otherwise you are faced with the overhead of doing that, hopefully you aren’t stuck with legacy individual Personal Profiles. 

Not using Change Orders so I wouldn’t know if there is a feature to do that. (Sorry)