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what is the smootest way to receive more in a defined lot/batch Qty on a shop order?


In our current process, the output is variable and hard to predict. Whith the same amount of components, we sometimes produce more (or less).

As the finished part is lot tracked, we create a Lot nr up with the expected qty.


However, if we produce more, we now

  1. increase the lot size manually
  2. increase the Lot/Batch qty manually
  3. adjust the components ‘Qty per assembly’ so our stock is still ok
  4. receive the correct ammount


I believe there must a more user friendly solution for this?



Yes hopefully you should be able to use a more smooth process for this!

To give the best suggestion I would however like to know:

  • Are you having one or multiple lot/batches per shop order?  
  • If the manufactured part setup to be multilevel tracked in Part page or not?

If you have multiple lot/batches per order, but do not need to use the multilevel tracking (creating as-built structures) the system will automatically generate one lot/batch per receipt that equals the quantity received. 

I also think it is possible to receive a lot/batch quantity higher than the reserved lot/batch quantity (but a warning will be given).

If you receive more than lot size you can control whether this also should result in a higher required quantity of components, or if the required quantity should remain according to the lot/size. Hopefully this should remove the demand for manually adjusting the qty per assembly.

