
Receive By-Product Force Individual Transactions?

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  • Do Gooder (Customer)
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Some background:

We have a custom event action running as a validation on the LotBatchMaster LU intended to ensure 1 part number per Lot Batch #. This is done with ‘pragma autonomous_transaction’ in order for the event to run on a mutating table. In IFS8 performing a “receive by-product” on a shop order with multiple by-products received simultaneously would perform one database transaction per line and our after create action would correctly error if a lot batch number was repeated on that submission.

IFS8 has the COMMIT shown after the first line is submitted here, and the next line errors with the event action:

In IFS10 it appears that a transaction is opened for the entire submission as a batch, and since the event action is validating outside the scope of the transaction which is in process it is not able to find that any record exists with the Lot Batch #.

My questions are:
Is there a way to force IFS10 to revert to one line per transaction? (I’m guessing not without meddling with the form).

Is there a way to force the user to enter one line per transaction? (I’m guessing not without meddling with the form)

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