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Hi Everyone,


All though the question is for APPS9, I want to resolve there to migrate data from backend to IFS cloud.

Why is the qty per assembly different on Product Structure and Engineering part navigator. The quantity required is 1 in every process thus we have 4 process so it shall be 4 in product structure, but system shows 16 which is wrong. Please help.


Do you have two screenshots from the respective masks of what you mean exactly? Because the qty per assembly different on Product Structure and Engineering part navigator is not different.

Part navigator qty is 1
prod struct


In the Engineering Part Navigator, you have selected the node for the top part (level 1) and in its Multilevel tab you are seeing a make component at level 4 (363215) that consists of component 362427 for which you need 1 to make 1 of 363215.

In the Product Structure, you are looking at a component at level 2 (363203) that consists of component 362427 for which you need 16 to make 1 of 363203.

Recommend in the Engineering Part Navigator to right-click Expand Descendents and examine the Consists Of tab for each ‘make’ level.

Recommend in the Product Structure in the Components tab to select a ‘make’ level and right-click Next Level and examine the Components at each level.

Recommend not using the Multilevel tabs too much since parts will appear here multiple times at different levels under different parents.

Yes, this time I checked it from consist of , it is only requesting 4 quantity on 3rd level. But on prod structure its asking for 16. Now this end component 362427 is only used once . So to explain the level on qty required in hierarchy is 1 x 1 x 4 x 1 = 4 , what can be missed out, is there a way I can find it or print the entire prod structure in tree view?

In the Engineering Part Navigator, select the top part and its Revision tab. Right-click > Reports > Product Structure > Multilevel to get a printout of the multi-level structure.

In the Product Structure graphic you can expand the entire tree to analyze the Qty Per for each component.

Is there any chance someone manually modified the Product Structure? You could look into this in the Structure Journal page where all edits are logged for each level.


Hi Team,


No the quantity was not modified manually, I checked the journal too. It was engineering revision transfer. Also the user reported the difference immediately after it was immediately created.

Please provide the following:
A screenshot of the Engineering Part Navigator for 362860 Eng Rev R07 with the entire tree expanded and all data visible. For each parent level that contains part 362427, show its Consists Of tab.

A screenshot of the Product Structure Graphic for 362860 Eng Rev R07 with the entire tree expanded and all data visible.


I will try to provide it today.

Sorry Matt, I didnt come back for this error. It was identified as bug.
