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We use the project management in IFS 10 Update 8.

Now the user want to make "Projects Time Registration". We got an error masage "You cannot modify projekt transaction of the company XYZ without a valid position assigment". The employee has a correct position assigment. We had to set the Self-Access Role ID to "REG_NO_AUTH" in the HR-Module Employee File - Employment - Assigments - Organization. After that the user could register his projects time.

We have to the set this role? Or is there another option?

We don't use the "Time Management" in the company.

Is the checkbox in the organisation structure “Subordinates” marked as well?

That has been the solution for me one time when I was struggling.


It’s the same approach you’ve taken that we have taken, but currently we do not let everyone register project time. Only a few and they do it on behalf of others too. If your requirement is to let the employee register time for themselves and not for others, you would have to set up the position access structure accordingly.

I think Subordinates check box being ticked is to make that person be able to access time records of their subordinate employees based on the position structure.
