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The customers that am working with raised the following question. Would like to request your feedback and advice to assist the customer.

Description: Project Gantt Performance Issues


  • To move one activity without saving or scheduling takes 1 minutes and 9 seconds a time.  3 minutes to save saving before scheduling; 1 minute to schedule on only 4 activity changes and a further 3 minutes 17 seconds to save the scheduled changes. Effectively looking at up to 9-10 minutes per overall change and the business currently makes daily changes due to various reasons.  If I had to move 120 linked activities that would be 2 hours work?!

Test Scenarios:

  1. Open a Project in Gantt view
  2. Move Activity and Save
  3. Schedule Project and Save

Which version is this? Is this for a massive project? Haven't experienced these types or performance issues myself, but it sounds like something that should be reported to support to allow them to investigate in the specific environment. 

Over the past period we have done some improvement to the Project Gantt  and I’m not sure what is the version that customer is experiencing this issue?  Hope this is not a data related.
