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I’m really struggling with the Project Forecast functionality and the matching 

When I create my forecast I have a new line in it (highlighted) which is not connected to an Activity

When I manually add the sub project ID and Activity ID and try and save I get an error message

I do have a snapshot connected but when I disconnect it I lose all the values in the other lines

Any advice on what the warning symbol is and how I add the new line to the forecast ?

Thank you

Hi Lee,

The warning symbol indicates that this is an exception line, i.e. you have cost/revenue in your snapshot that has not been included in the forecast.

As you have noticed you cannot modify the exception line directly, but it is possible to duplicate the line and then update the duplicated line. When saving the duplicated line it should get matched to the snapshot values, and the exception line should then disappear.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,



Thank you @Johan Lagerström 

I do recall being shown this now. 

Managed to duplicate the line, update it and for the exception line to disappear.

Kind regards
