Hi All,
is there anyone who has (practical) experience with the functionality "Copy Project Deliverables to Equipment" (with some additional descriptions, recommendations, notes, etc.)?
Of course, I have read the description of the process in the IFS help (F1), but I have still a few questions about this standard functionality:
- Can I run copy of equipment several times (for identical item no), or it is just a one-way operation/process? E.g.: When deleting already created equipment structure (record) or when need to add a tag (additionaly)?
- Can I somehow copy the equipment structure gradually when the amout of item no (qty) is bigger than 1 or is it necessary to complete the production of all the pieces and only after that start copying?
- If the dialog window "Copy Deliverables Structure to Equipment" appears, there are two combo boxes present, in which case is the "Copy Structure as" combo box active?
It also happens to me that I had an item (item_no) with attached serial part (and fully received) with generated serial number(s), and the copying functionality created equipment record as a functional object, instead of the serial one, not sure what I have done wrong...?!
Thank you in advance for sharing any observations or eventually any limitations.
David N.
Manufacturing Consultant