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I would like to register automatically purchase costs in the “Project cost registration -Non personal” window.

When an expense sheet is authorized, automatically it is registered in the “Project cost registration - Personal” window. But, when a purchase order is invoiced or posted, it is not registered as a cost in this window.

I could create an event, but I wonder if there is another way to get it.

Best regards,


Then you should automate the Forward Supplier Invoice functionality. Note this can only be forwarded when the Invoice is PostedAuth, and please be aware of the Report Code used, that this is not updating the cost accounting, otherwise you will get double costs on your project.


(I think you try to make these costs invoicable to the customer, but that is the underlying assumption in the answer above)

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I want to invoice the costs to the customer.

I will analise the automate possibilities with Forward Supplier Invoice functionality.

I hope you succeed, let me know when you did!

Some things you might want to consider;

  • Maybe you want to switch it on or off for a certain Project / Activity.
  • Pricing on project transactions for material like transactions can only be done on cost+ or markup basis. So if you would like to add a price list this might become quiet extensive.
