Picklists are usually generated per Shop Order when the material are reserved. When you have a picklist already created for a certain Shop Order and if you try to Print picklist by RMB on the Shop Order without making any changes to the material reservations, it would not fetch the data from the pick list that has been created. The reason for this is to avoid the duplication of picklists. If you need to print the picklist that has been created already, you could use 'Issue material using picklist' window or 'Report Archive' window. You can select the picklist that is already available and get it printed.
If you want to use the print picklist option by RMB on the Shop Order, then there should be a difference in the material reservations than the picklists already available for this Shop Order. In other words, whichever the material reservation data that has been included in the previous picklist, would not be reconsidered when printing a picklist, unless otherwise there is a change in material reservations. For an example, if you have a qty of 5 reserved for a certain Shop Order, and a picklist already exists for this Shop Order, print picklist option option will only print the front page as there is no change in reservations. Let's say you change the reservation qty to 8, then the print picklist option would work, and another picklist will be printed for that extra qty of 3. Another scenario would be, if you have reserved a quantity of 1 already, and if the picklist is not being printed when you try to print it (because one picklist is already available for this), you could 'unreserve' the material line and 'reserve' again. If you try to print the picklist now, it should ideally fetch the relevant data.
The availability of picklists for a certain shop order can be checked in 'Issue material using picklist' window or 'Report Archive' window (if it is not expired).