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I have an issue where the project -> demand-> -> planned cost is calculated based on the company tax even though the project tax is already set to 0.


1. Company tax is set to 5.5% (address tab)
2. Project window -> address tab -> the tax is set to 0
3. Project window -> demand -> -> added a new line with a purchase part-> once saved the planned value is calculated with the company tax


Tried the same thing in core but I was able to get the planned value without company tax.

Any suggestions on windows/fields that I should check to identify possible setup differences ?


Hi @Devni Panduwawala , 

Go to Company -> Address -> check whether you have selected the correct identity when adding the tax code under -> Taxes 

Go to project -> Demand -> Misc. parts -> check the supplier field value in line -> check whether you have connected a valid supplier considering the part site to both the examples. If one example is connected to a supplier and the other one isn't, then the execution flow is different.

Then go to tax codes -> query the company tax code you used -> check the deductible% column and make sure both the environments have the same value.

In addition to that, check the project currency and the supplier currency as well. If these two are different, then the currency conversion rate will also be added to the cost.

Hope this helps.