Log into IFS EE using Fi (Finnish, Suomi) language.
Navigate to Suunnittelu/Tarjousarvion hallinta/Siirrä Arviotuotteet window
Query any estimate
Try to add a value (using LOV) for the column ‘Nimikkeen siirtomalli’ on the line and save
You will observe an error message: “Nimiketyyppiä Ostonimike ei voi käyttää nimiketyypin Osto mallina”.
This will only occur when logging in from Fi language.
As per the logic it has to be the same because when we check it manually in the tables on English it is correct.
Furthermore, I have compared the method with our core env It is same.
part_tpe_ := Estimate_Component_API.Get_Part_Type(newrec_.estimate_id, newrec_.estimate_revision_no, newrec_.node_id);
type_code_ := Part_Transfer_Template_API.Get_Type_Code(newrec_.part_template_id);
Investigated that all the values were not coming from the DB to mentioned logic, they were attached from the client end.
Appreciate any ideas to overcome this scenario.