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Hi All,

I have encountered an issue where I do the “All Parts Cost Calculation” on a given site, but however for a certain set of manufactured parts (300/~15000) the cost buckets are not getting captured correctly.


Example: Part X is Component of Y. Both are Manufactured.

If I look at X individually it has 3 cost buckets (110, 200, 310).

If I look at the tree of Y and Part X it has only (110). X  should ideally have all 110, 200 & 310. Because of this the Values of X in 200 & 310 has not rolled up to the top part.


For Cost Calculation & Part Cost Setting always Not Cost Roll up is used. There is a Qty of Assembly > 0 for X in Product Structure of Y and it is set up as a Consumed item. The issue also exists only in the Part Cost page whereas if I use the Calculation on the Cost Build Up Per Structure/Routing page, the values are fetched correctly.


However this is a Major issues since it misrepresents the inventory valuation. I have used a script and run an “All Levels Part Cost Calculation” for the Parts with issues & it fixed 340 parts. But still issue exists in 36.


Has anyone come up with such an issue in “All Parts Cost Calculation” and if so what is your finding & workaround? env - IFS Cloud 22 R2




Greetings - Do you find a solution for this issue? We have just encountered the same issue in our TEST environment and can’t figure out why it is rolling up all cost buckets correctly for some parts and not doing the same for others. It is also not pulling all the components that were associated in the Product Structure. We are on 22R1 SU11.


Thank You


This is identified as a bug in IFS Cloud. It has been fixed in 22R2 SU15 up and in 23R1. I am not sure on the fix in 22R1. You might need to reach IFS for this.

Also wanted to highlight this issue was caused by Non Consumed parts within product structures.
