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Hi all,

We often have a scenario like this:

We have a shop order for 10 pcs.
For that we cut out 1 sheet and purchase a treatment at a subcontractor.
We receive the sheet back a cut it out in 10 pcs.


  • Cut 1 sheet
  • Outside operation 1 sheet
  • Cut 10 pcs 

The problem is that we cannot ship 1 sheet and make 10 pcs from that. 

At the moment, we create a extra inventory part for the outside operation, but it is not working well for us.

Is there a clever way to handle this?




perhaps , if the parent is not set as multilevel tracked , and with the option simplified material check , you  Would be able to do this,

  • Create SO for lot size 1, 
  • issue material 
  • report first operation 
  • send  Out side OP for qty 1
  • then report third internal with  Qty report 10
  • Then receive SO for Lot size 10 with simplified material

But check if this is correctly reflected in  SO costing as well, 


Thanks @CedKanchM 

You are right. It is possible to get the SO through that way. The cost also looks ok. 

However, changing the lot size will confused everyone and mess up all planning. Too many drawbacks.