Has anyone used this API before? I am trying to use it to get a plannable quantity from a specific date, but I can’t seem to get the right numbers to calculate. I am guessing I am misunderstanding one or more of the input variables.
FUNCTION Get_Qty_Plannable_Fast (
contract_ IN VARCHAR2,
part_no_ IN VARCHAR2,
configuration_id_ IN VARCHAR2,
include_standard_ IN VARCHAR2,
include_project_ IN VARCHAR2,
project_id_ IN VARCHAR2,
activity_seq_ IN NUMBER,
dist_calendar_id_ IN VARCHAR2,
starting_balance_ IN NUMBER,
available_balance_ IN NUMBER,
picking_leadtime_ IN NUMBER,
planned_due_date_ IN DATE,
stop_analysis_date_ IN DATE,
site_date_ IN DATE,
source_ IN VARCHAR2,
exclude_reserved_ IN VARCHAR2,
exclude_pegged_ IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER