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When we do an MTR is there a way to set the UOM to 100 for a particular part number? Right now we have some items in packs of a 100 and if someone wants 99 we really need to just pull 100 regardless since they are small items in bulk packs? We can’t seem to find a place to do this, anyone? We are currently in Apps 8 moving to 10 at some point.


thank you!

This may not be the Best Answer for your question. As I understood here you are looking for a solution to have 100 as multiple lot size because you are having 100PCS packs to transfer using Material Transfer Requasition.

You can set a multiple Lot size in Inventory Part/Planning tab in Apps10/IEE. This is considering when planning from PMRP and system will create MTRsfrom the multiples of 100.